Savings Account
Invite your friends to sign up for Vivid Savings Account and earn $20!
Share your registered mobile number with your friends under referral code when they apply for the account
No fall-below fee
No income statement required
Online application
Tap & Go Retail Shopping
Safer Online Shopping with dynamic CVC
Keep track of your transactions via Vivid e‑Wallet app
Fraud prevention & loss protection
SFL LockFunds
Please refer to the Fees & Charges Guide for the list of fees & charges.

Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$100,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law.

For a complete listing of the insured deposit, please click here

How does the interest work?

Eg: You maintain your savings with no withdrawals daily between October - December

Illustration 1

For daily balance more than $9,999.00
My Daily Balance Interest Rate My Interest Earned My Account Balance on the Last Day of the Month
October (based on 31 days) $9,999.00 1.28% p.a. $10.87 $10,009.87
November (based on 30 days) $10,009.87 2.58% p.a. $21.23 $10,031.10
December (based on 31 days) $10,031.10 2.58% p.a. 21.98 $10,053.08

Illustration 2

For daily balance more than $199,999.00
My Daily Balance Interest Rate My Interest Earned My Account Balance on the Last Day of the Month
October (based on 31 days) $199,999.00 2.58% p.a. $438.24 $200,437.24
November (based on 30 days) $200,437.24 *0.88% p.a. $144.97 $200,582.22

* The entire Vivid Account balance is calculated at 0.88% (p.a.) as it exceeds $200,000 after the credit of interest.
These calculations are for illustrative purposes only and are not representations, warranties or assurances of the actual interest credited.

Other Information